WTF Does 11/11/11 At 11:11 AM Mean?

Today is Veteran’s day – and on top of that it is 11/11/11 – and this post will OFFICIALLY be posted at 11:11AM.

But what does this all mean? Well I have done some research and here is what I can find out from the glorious place called the “inernet” which is full of information. If it’s on the Internet, then it MUST be true!

What does 11:11 Mean?
Well here is a video I found. I havent watched it yet, but I am sure it is something related to angels and jeebus.


Another interesting Article:

11/11/11: Is Date Tied to the Mayan Apocalypse?

Read more:

But perhaps the most intriguing 11/11/11 mythology to pop up is the number’s link with the supposed 2012 Mayan Apocalypse. The ancient Mayan long-count calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012, and some people believe that this date will usher in a new spiritual era, or even doomsday. Nov. 11, 2011 most likely became linked with Dec. 21, 2012 when believers noticed that the U.S. Naval Observatory had set the exact time of the 2012 winter solstice for 11:11 Universal Time on Dec. 21, according to John Hoopes, a scholar of Maya history at the University of Kansas.

“It’s essentially based on the notion of synchronicities,” Hoopes told LiveScience. Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences, he said. And while everyone has a psychological tendency to find minding in random patterns the subcultures that believe in 2012 mythology tend to be those that dabble in psychedelics and cannabis, drugs that increase feelings of synchronicity.

“If it seems like the 2012 mythology was thought up by people on drugs, it’s because it was,” Hoopes said. 

The meaning of 11

Indeed, the U.S. Naval Observatory now lists the official time of the 2012 winter solstice, when Earth’s tilt is angled as far away as possible from the sun, at 11:12 Universal Time on Dec. 21. This has not stopped 2012 believers from focusing on the 11:11 time.

In part, this is because 11:11 mythology has been floating around online for some time. The website holds that noticing a clock when the time is 11:11 is a signal from “1,111 fun-loving Spirit Guardians, or Angels.” Other times, such as 12:12, 10:10 or 12:34 are messages, too, according to the site.

These numbers may seem special to people because they stick in our minds, Hoopes said. No one remembers looking at the clock when the numbers don’t make a pattern.

“People are more likely to remember 11:11 than they are, say, 4:29 or 6:53 or 3:17 or something like that,” Hoopes said.

Psychologists call the temptation to find patterns in random data pareidolia. This phenomenon is also responsible for visions of the Virgin Mary in toast or other objects.

Once you accept 11 as a meaningful number— whether because it looks so symmetrical or because you keep seeing it on your digital watch — it’s easy to find the number everywhere. One article on the website ties together the Mayan calendar, the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the average length of polarity reversals of the sun’s magnetic field, and the author making post number 1111 on a 2012 message board.

“The sun having an 11.11 year cycle, the winter solstice of 2012 falling at 11:11 and people all over the world finding themselves bombarded with 11’s [sic] just as science is predicting some kind of majestic solar event at the peak of this current cycle seems more than coincidence,” the author writes.

(Solar activity does indeed peak about every 11 years, potentially disrupting satellite communications, but according to NASA, there is no special risk associated with 2012 and the peaks are not expected to be different than previous historical peaks.)

If it’s on FOX, then it’s gotta be real.

Another article:

Indeed, the 11:11 phenomenon is widely reported in real life, with entire online discussion forums dedicated to figuring out what the number means. People say they feel haunted by 11s, which appear to them eerily often. To them, the impending date is bound to seem ominous.

I say people need to find a new hobby if they are being haunted by 11’s.

And the real reason behind 11/11/11 is so that a new movie can make a ton of money:


Finally, since it is ALMOST 11:11AM, I will post the last article I found:

11-11-11 Synchonicity & Meaningful Coincidence

 For many years now a growing number of people have been experiencing the so called 11-11 phenomenon. This is the experience of becoming acutely aware of seeing the number 11, but especially when it appears somewhere twice. It is fair to say that this can also be in forms like 1111, 111.1, 11 11, 11:11 rather than only in one fixed format.

 Essentially the process is that a person begins to find that almost every time they look somewhere that numbers are shown they see this type of combination. Much more often than any other, which defies the laws of chance. Along with this they also find sequences of seeing this number linked to things that are meaningful or important to their own life, often to self development issues.

 The most commonly seen format is that of 11:11 seen on a digital clock, a side note is that due to the 24 hour format they may also see 23.11 popping in too. Accompanied by this is the weird internal sensation that this number sequence means something important to them, but they struggle to comprehend just what exactly.

 For many years the best explanation was that it was either pure chance and wishful thinking, or something to do with a group of 11-11 angels, one theory that has been put forth.

 More recently however the number has been linked to global awakening, especially once it was discovered that the winter solstice of December 21st 2012 would occur at just after 11:11 (over 30 seconds past hence some sites now round it off to 11:12). This date being already seen as extremely central to a grand global awakening process under-way and hitting a major point at that time. The number 11 itself has many cosmic and synchonicity aspects, as were covered in my previous article on this subject.

Read more here

Happy 11/11/11 at 11:11AM!

Yeah SDCC.CO created this post it in less than 10 minutes.. uhh I mean 11 minutes!

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